
How to Motivate Adult Learners

balibisaBali Bisa

Businesses delivering training, no matter who they are, seem to have one common problem – motivating adults to learn isn’t easy. Below are methods we use when teaching our adult learners both in the classroom setting and our online courses. Create useful and relevant learning experiences based on the age group and interests of your learners Emphasize on the practical …


Do You Want to Become a Holistic Practitioner?

balibisaBali Bisa

A holistic practitioner offers an increasingly respected and centuries-old alternative that emphasizes total wellness of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. They treat people not as collections of parts and diseases, but as whole individuals. This is an exciting time to pursue a holistic education. Many ancient healing traditions, such as Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, Shiatsu & A-Shiatsu, Reflexology  to name just a …


Specialized Treatment and Pampering Massages Combined

balibisaBali Bisa

Massage therapy has played an important role in healing for thousands of years. Using touch, pressure, and movement to manipulate the body’s muscles and soft tissues, therapists help people manage health conditions and maintain wellness. Different techniques (called modalities) achieve different results, such as pain management, injury recovery, stress reduction, and relief from muscle tension. And there are a variety …

Traditional Hair Cream Bath

balibisaBali Bisa

The traditional hair cream bath, like other traditional Indonesian beauty rituals, dates back thousands of centuries and has been passed down through generations but is still widely popular today, with both men and women. It has been credited with being the secret behind the way Indonesians keep their dark, shiny hair well into old age. The traditional Indonesian Cream bath …


Home Care Skin Care Routine

balibisaBali Bisa

Home Care Skin Care Routine – Fresh Fruit Facial Skin Care Asian women have been renowned for their beautiful skin and faces for centuries without the intervention of modern night creams, neck creams or new oxygen creams. They have used different kinds of fruit extracts to slough off dead skin cells, fight acne and replenish moisture to nourish their skin. …


Understanding How Adult Learners Like to Learn

balibisaBali Bisa

Most of the students that come to Bali BISA are Adult Learners.  Being an Adult learner myself I have a good understanding of how and what motivates me to learn. Having developed online courses for Bali BISA has been very interesting.  Adapting our class room courses to work as well on-line has been a learning journey for me. I hope …


“Jangled” Adults

balibisaBali Bisa

Touch and the Stress Response System By Ruth Werner Soothing touch, whether it be applied to a ruffled cat, a crying infant, or a frightened child, has a universally recognized power to ameliorate the signs of distress. How can it be that we overlook its usefulness on the jangled adult as well? What is it that leads us to …


Managing Your Time When Studying an Online Course

balibisaBali Bisa

We’re all busy—family, work, school, life. One of the major challenges faced by online learners is managing their time. Planning and manage your time is crucial to ensure you complete your course in the time that may have been delegated to you by your online tutor. If learners don’t manage time well, you will end up giving yourself a lot …

Getting The Most out of your e-Learning Course

balibisaBali Bisa

You have just enrolled in your first online course, but are you ready to study for it? Does it need more, less or the same level of commitment with the traditional instructor-led class you are used to? What are the best strategies for studying in online learning? Taking online courses can be very convenient for many people. However, online learning requires …